Computer Monitoring Software - Advanced

Advanced PC monitoring software helps you to find out real time activities of your system in stealth mode. Computer monitoring program is password protected so that unauthorized or guest users can’t access or modify software configuration setting. System monitoring tool works in undetectable mode and not appears in add/remove program, task managers, control panel and even hidden in installation path folder so that any one can’t aware the presence of it.

Internet monitoring is useful surveillance program to record:
Voice chat conversation, Email documents, Clipboard activity, Typed URL, Visited websites, Send/receive emails, Search engine searches and other applications that run on your computer system.
Software Features:
✔ Records all key board activities: Computer monitoring system secretly records all keystrokes performed by external users on your PC in your absence.
✔ Captures windows screenshots at periodic interval of time: Web monitoring software takes Windows screenshots at regular interval of time so that you can easily know what applications are displays on your computer system behind your back.
✔ Saves your entire keystrokes in encrypted log files: Windows monitoring programs successfully saves all key press activities in encrypted log files which can be easily view latter whenever require.
✔ Sent log files at specified email id through FTP setting: Advanced keylogger software sends encrypted log files at specified email address through FTP settings.
✔ Generates reports of all keystrokes in text file formats: System monitoring software generates reports of all keystrokes in text or html file formats for future references.
✔ Monitors multiple user accounts: Advanced keylogger software tracks multiple user’s account simultaneously that logon on your computer system in your absence.
✔ Automatic startup facility: Remote monitoring software provides automatic startup facility that records all guest user system activities as soon as Windows starts.