Business Software

Financial accounting software (standard edition) manages business sale/purchase records, stock updates, customer vendor details business transaction details. Software maintains details of inventory records to maintain item ledger report.

Financial Accounting software (enterprise edition) maintains details of business transaction with barcode support. Inventory management program manages stock details with advance password protected feature to avoid unauthorized user access.

Purchase order organizer software provides facility to maintain company sales and purchase order records of business without any accounting error. PO management software generates report of order delivery, deposit, receipt, item transaction etc.

Multi Company purchase order software manages multiple company sales and purchase details in computerize manner. PO management program generates various types of report with facility to send purchase order report via email.

Employee planner software maintains staff activity records including in/out details, leave records, salary details etc. Employee planning program is password protected utility to restrict unauthorized users to access confidential report of employee scheduling.

Tour and Training management software provides facility to generate tour/training passes for employee who is going on official tour. Employee scheduling software maintains staff tour and training details with advance facility to connect with various company database records.