How to Send bulk messages from laptop using Sony Xperia Z Ultra device
STEP ① - Connect your device to PC using USB cable.
STEP:② - Let the drivers install on your system.
STEP:③ - Launch your DRPU Bulk SMS software and select Android Mobile phone option.
STEP:④ - Current screen shows Android Mobile Phone connection Wizard. Click on Next button to continue.
STEP:⑤ - While Locating Android Mobile Device to Connected to PC a information message displays.
STEP:⑥ - While software tries to connect your device, a warning message displays on your device.
Tab on "Ok" to continue.
STEP:⑦ - Here, you see your connected device details. Click on Use selected device to send SMS button to send text messages.
STEP:⑨ - Import Contact numbers and text message and click on Send button to proceed.
STEP:⑩ - Message sending process completed now.
STEP:⑨ - Text Message Received on your mobile phone.