Barcode Label Maker for Retail Business

Inventory barcode software provides most convenient way to create barcode label, sticker and coupons for inventory control and retail business. Retail barcode program provides facility to save generated barcodes in various types of file formats like JPEG, TIFF, Bitmap, PNG, WMF, GIF, EXIF and other file extensions.

Supported Barcode Fonts Standards:
Linear Barcode Fonts:
Coda bar, Code 128, Code 128 SET A, Code 128 SET B, Code 128 SET C, Code 39, Code 39 Full ASCII, EAN 13, EAN 8, Industrial 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, LOGMARS, MSIPlessey, Telepen, UCC/EAN-128, UPCA, UPCE
2D Barcode Fonts:
Aztec, Databar, Databar Code 128, Databar Code 128 Set A, Databar Code 128 Set B, Databar Code 128 Set C, Databar Expanded, Databar Limited, Databar Stacked, Databar Stacked Omni, Databar Truncated, Databar EAN 13, Databar EAN 8, Databar UPCA, Databar UPCE, DataMatrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, QR Code
Software Features:
Barcode generator software creates bulk list of barcodes that are helpful for labeling inventory control and retail business products.
✔ Create multiple numbers of barcodes of different shapes: Business barcode software allows you to create customized barcode labels of different shapes and sizes for retail business and inventory management.
✔ Advanced barcode designing tools:Bar code generator program uses line, text, pencil, ellipse, rectangle and other barcode designing tools to create printable retail business barcodes.
✔ Barcode series generating techniques: Barcode inventory control software creates multiple numbers of barcode labels using random, sequential and constant value series generating techniques.
✔ Advanced color and background settings: Barcode inventory management program is integrated with wide range of color, image and font setting to create customized linear and 2D barcodes for retail business and inventory management system.
✔ Provides option to copy and paste generated barcode in different Widows application: Barcode generator software provides facility to copy and paste created inventory control and retail business barcode labels in MS paint, MS excel and MS word Windows applications.