Barcode Label Maker - Corporate Edition

Corporate Edition of Barcode software generates and prints multiple copies of barcode labels with different barcode and text value. Software is also having E-mail setting feature to send designed barcode labels to the specified Email ID. You can also save designed barcode labels in different file formats including JPEG, TIFF, Bitmap, PNG, WMF, EMF, EXIF, GIF and PDF.

Supported Barcode Fonts Standards:
Linear Barcode Fonts:
Codabar, Code 11, Code 128, Code 128 SET A, Code 128 SET B, Code 128 SET C, Code 39, Code 93, Code 39 Full ASCII, EAN13, EAN8, Industrial 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, ISBN 13, ITF-14, LOGMARS, MSI Plessey, Planet, Postnet, Standard 2 of 5, Telepen, UCC/EAN-128, UPCA, UPCE, USPS Sack Label, USPS Tray Label, USS-93
2D Barcode Fonts:
Aztec, Databar, Databar Code 128, Databar Code 128 Set A, Databar Code 128 Set B, Databar Code 128 Set C, Databar Expanded, Databar Limited, Databar Stacked, Databar Stacked Omni, Databar Truncated, Databar EAN 13, Databar EAN 8, Databar MicroPDF417, Databar PDF417, Databar UPCA, Databar UPCE, DataMatrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, QR Code, MICR Font
Supported Label Products in Barcode Printing:
Ace Label, Avery Zweckform, Herma, MACtac Starliner Label, Sigel GmbH, A-ONE, C-Line Products Inc., Hisago, May + Spies, TANEX, APLI, Compu Label, INETA, S.A., Office Depot, Tico, Avery A4, Formtec, KOKUYO, Planet, Tower, Avery US Letter, Herlitz PBS AG, Lorenz Bell, Printec, Unistat.
Software Features:
✔ Batch Processing:Using Batch Processing feature you can generate multiple copies of barcode labels with different barcode and text value in Barcode Designing View.
✔ Inbuilt E-mail Setting: E-mail Setting feature of Corporate Edition send designed barcode labels to the specified email id.
✔ Printing Settings: Barcode Software provides Pre Defined Label Stock Print mode and Manual mode to print generated barcode labels.
✔ Image and Font Settings:Software provides Linear and 2D Barcode Fonts as well as advanced image setting options like Bitmap, Image DPI and Orientation to generate barcode labels.
✔ Advanced Barcode Designing View:Design and create Barcode Labels with Texts, Pictures, Signature and other objects using advance Barcode Designing View.